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Sunday, January 09, 2011

Honda Type-SLR

Yes, this is an attempt to create an SLR out of a 1996 Honda Accord SEDAN. It's difficult to see just how much work went into this, as apparently their photographer finds it very difficult to take photos with more than 3/4 of the car visible. Possibly on purpose, as I'm not really sure how they resolved the rear end. The only shot of it is below, and rather dark.

It's hard to tell, but it appears they might have achieved the triangular Benz tail light look by masking off the taillights. Compare with the photo below.

Also worth noting is a unique attempt at closing wheel gap. Instead of defaulting to larger rims and/or tires, they decided to drastically close in the the wheel openings with fender flares. I'm not sure how this is driveable, but then having no reverse lights (they've been covered up as you can see above) or visible spots to mount a license plate it's possible that this car will never move under it's own power on public roads. Which I suppose is a service to us all.

The enhanced shot below might better illustrate. As well as cutting off key areas of the car, the photos have very poor contrast - a lot of the detail gets lost. Again - possibly on purpose (to hide flaws?).

1 comment:

chester ct honda Civic said...

The most important thing that one can find in this SLR is the look of its back end. It provides one of the amazing appearance to Honda buyers.
I don't have any other choice of car company. This is now my requirement to buy one Honda, may be Civic.