A blog devoted to RANTS ON AUTOMOTIVE DESIGN, car reviews, and - above all - fugly autos. whether looking for vehicular plagiarism or rides of extreme tastelessness, you've come to the right place.

Sunday, October 03, 2010

Clones: Dusty Escort

The Plymouth Duster I was a show car from 1969, whose name went on to signify sporty Valiants. Basically a convertible Road Runner with all sorts of aero appendages, it's front end bares a remarkable similarity to the MK1 Euro Ford Focus, birthed the year prior.

2010 Paris Motor Show, Day 2: Nothing??

So day two of the 2010 Paris Motor Show was again surprisingly devoid of anything monstrously hideous. In fact I wasn't going to post anything at all, but since I had a day one post I felt it needed some finalization.

So if to post anything, I guess it would be the unfortunately named Renualt Twizy (can names be fugly?). I suppose the car itself might be fugly in a traditional sense, but I kinda like it in that it looks like futuristic transportation straight out of the movies. And remarkably it's a production car - I respect Renault for being brave enough for offering something so "out there" to the public. The cars where shown in various appearance packages. Some looked cool, like one with a Tron vibe. Others, like the one pictured below, were a little hard on the eyes.