A blog devoted to RANTS ON AUTOMOTIVE DESIGN, car reviews, and - above all - fugly autos. whether looking for vehicular plagiarism or rides of extreme tastelessness, you've come to the right place.

Monday, December 20, 2010

Wagon Queen Family Truckster

I suppose I should also honour the actual Wagon Queen Family Truckster, even if it is a commentary on the absurdity of the American wagons of the late 70's.

Wagon King Executive Cruiser

The Wagon Queen Family Truckster was also available in this upscale version.

Casper the Fugly Intergra

While on the topic of spoilers, this guy decided to go a route opposite of the Mustang below and install the new spoiler on top of the old one. Double downforce, yo. This car earns bonus point for multiple skulls sprouting out of the bodywork.

Front End Downfarce, Part 2: Ground Dynam(Retangle)c Mustang

So you bought a gigantic new rear spoiler. But what do you do with your stock spoiler now that the park bench is now installed on the front? This innovative mind channeled the Civic below and grafted it to the hood. It’s aerodynamic, yo. This ingenuity was also applied to the graphics up front – if you’ve found that your lettering is not lining up, a good way to fill up the empty space is to just widen your letter “I”.

Front End Downfarce

This Civic is so fast it needs an extra spoiler on the hood for extra downforce. In fact it’s so fast it blew off the bump strips on it’s doors.