A blog devoted to RANTS ON AUTOMOTIVE DESIGN, car reviews, and - above all - fugly autos. whether looking for vehicular plagiarism or rides of extreme tastelessness, you've come to the right place.

Friday, July 22, 2005

Zimmer - Still Fugging

Much to my surprise, one of the "great" neoclassic car makers is still alive. Using Mustangs and Town Cars as their base, they can create for you a "masterpiece" for the low, low price of $100,000-$160,000. These beasts strangely have a bit of a celebrity following and Shaq was one of the first buyers of the new generation.

These chromerific Mercedes 500K rip offs follow the standard neo-classic theme of awkwardly blending a "Great Gatsby inspired" front ends with a modern cabin. The rears of these particular cars though suffer, as instead of using the common box-like trunk of most neo-classics they utilize the original car's trunk and rear fenders. Which makes weird cutlines and dinky round taillights sitting in the hollows where the original taillights were.

Zimmer tries to explain their existant on their website:

"When looking at a 1920s or '30s classic Duesenberg, most people just love the design and style. Their mind is filled with visions of grace, grandeur and the Great Gatsby. Unfortunately, the realities of owning and driving a classic or antique motor car eliminate most people from ever bothering to purchase one.

The cost factor is not really the major deterrent. Although very rare classic motor cars can cost several millions of dollars, you can find nice classics in the $50,000 to $100,000 price range. But for most people, classic cars are still totally impractical. The lack of readily available parts and service is a major drawback. The lack of modern safety equipment is another problem. And let's face it, the old classics are not very comfortable to drive or ride in. Thus was born the neo-classic motor car (neo=new), the best of the old and the new together in one grand motor car: a match made in heaven.

The new ZIMMER® Golden Spirit is the finest neo-classic motor car ever manufactured. The exterior design is pure classic grandeur right out of the Great Gatsby era, handmade to the highest quality possible.

Underneath, it is all a brand new, modern Ford Mustang or Lincoln Town Car base on the four-door sedan. You can drive into any Ford or Lincoln Mercury dealer and get full service, Ford parts and warranty work. It has all the latest safety and modern engineering features available. It's a joy to drive.

So, if you are ready for a motor car that is distinctive, that says, "I've arrived," that looks classic but is new and comfortable, a ZIMMER® Golden Spirit is for you. If you are a little tired of paying $75,000 to $150,000 for a car you can't find in a lot full of Fords and Chevies, then a ZIMMER® Golden Spirit is for you."


Yamhill said...

I thought it looked familiar, and so it kinda did, I have worked on Dusies for most of my short life, and they almost did an ok job on the front, it still looks stupid, but at least it is awkward bend in style, not that I would ever buy one, but whatever.

The Sniper of Yamhill

Anonymous said...

When they refer to "A LOT of people", are they referring to the wealthy retirees in Florida living in gated retirement communities? Where the Full Bordello package reigns supreme! Dismay. I am all vomited out.

Anonymous said...

A LOT of PEOPLE, eh? Proving that P.T. Barnum's classic catchphrase: "There's a sucker born every minute!" definitely comes into play HERE!!!

Well, at least Zimmer's gotten away from Fiero-Based-Fugs! Like that's a crowning achievement!

Anonymous said...

Still Pimpin',
After all these years!