A blog devoted to RANTS ON AUTOMOTIVE DESIGN, car reviews, and - above all - fugly autos. whether looking for vehicular plagiarism or rides of extreme tastelessness, you've come to the right place.
Pretty much and modified 3rd and 4th generation Honda Civic can be considered fugly, but here's a fine example. Apparently modified by "Twisted Daze", this robin's egg blue 4 door Civic has the obligatory wide-mouthed body kit and gigantic spoiler, as well as frenched taillights. All of which can't hide the fact that this is a boxy 80's economy car. Other fugly details include painted window visors (I'm guessing the poor man's attempt at a chop-top look), an astonishing 16 Honda logos on the exterior (yet strangely no mention of VTEC, VTECH, or Type R), and an interior seemly lined in industrial Berber carpeting and completely lacking instrumentation (in that I highly doubt the 4 remaining aftermarket gauges adequately relay all the information vital to driving).
It's amazing to think that someone else thought this was a good look. Having a hard time deciding which car is worse, but I'll have to go with this Firebird for the lime green on teal paint alone. And for the fact that the flaming green bird motif (what is it - radioactive?) looks more like the car hit Slimer cruising on the highway. At least they only ruined a V6 Firebird and not a Trans-Am (although I suppose it could be an unfortunate Formula).