A blog devoted to RANTS ON AUTOMOTIVE DESIGN, car reviews, and - above all - fugly autos. whether looking for vehicular plagiarism or rides of extreme tastelessness, you've come to the right place.

Saturday, August 20, 2005

Break on Through to the Fugly Side...

Found this on sale on ebay...

When it comes to elaborate paint schemes, I've found a few that seem to defy logic. Most offen, people save an elaborate paint scheme - fugly or not - for the finished product. The final touch. However, this Eclipse had it applied to a relatively stock car. And of that paint job...

Man - it's ugly. Not only that, it's confusing. Exactly what is going on there? There's obviously two tears down the centre of the car, but what is "underneath"? A circus tents caught in a tornado? Also strange is that the sides of the car have absolutely no decoration.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Some people call that stuff "art", and pay top dollar for it. That's what disgusts ME!