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Saturday, August 20, 2005

Giger C2

If H.R. Giger modified cars in the "rice" genre, I think this is what they'd look like.

Many people may not know who H.R. Giger is, but are probably familar with his work. The movie "Aliens" (and sequels) was highly based on his artwork. Also from his Hollywood work with "Aliens", he did some alien designwork for the movie "Species" in '95. Like "Aliens", Giger's work is dark and very organic with sexual undertones. Most features an organic and mechanical mix of elements. For more on Giger, visit his website:


Anywho, this modified Citroen C2 looks like ground transportation on the Aliens' home planet. With neon jamed in every oriface.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It looks like something that Ripley would have lined up in her crosshairs on "Aliens". Too bad she didn't obliterate it!