A blog devoted to RANTS ON AUTOMOTIVE DESIGN, car reviews, and - above all - fugly autos. whether looking for vehicular plagiarism or rides of extreme tastelessness, you've come to the right place.

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Total Eclipse of the Fug

Wow. If a car with a bodykit is cool, then a car with a bodykit with a bodykit must be cool squared. Same must apply for wings. And vinyl. And scoops. So this car is like cool squared squared squared squared. It's so cool it looks fugly to the ordinary bystander, because we can't comprehend how cool it is.

Hmm - where to start. Let's see - the front. It's got some kind of bodykit, with horns or fangs attached. And on it's sides it has horizontal wings from which drops down another spoiler. This surrounds an oddly small intercooler. Scissors doors are of course necessary on a car of this stature as they're expensive and make it really hard to get in and/or close them. In true ricer fashion it has a (blank) windsheild banner to try and visually lower the car. But like headlight eyelids (which surprisingly this doesn't have), it only looks cheap. Speaking of window vinyl, this one has some kinda retro 80's bumblebee stripes down the rear quarter windows. And a yellow circle for some reason.

The rear end is a mangled mess. The obligatory Altezza taillights have been squashed together to make room for more scoops for ventilation of.... I guess the trunk, or gas tank. And of course a picnic table wing.

Overall, the look is "mutant wasp from hell".

Oh and it's part of the rather vague club, "USA Motorsports". Must've taken a while to think that one up.


Anonymous said...

This is what happens when you order EVERY "Bling-Thing" from JC Whitney. This thing is a total fiasco. In fact, it could easily be named: "Danté's Fiasco". Lots of yellow paint = ultra high horsepower and mad tightness, though.

speeddemon0117 said...
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speeddemon0117 said...

There is such a thing as too much of a good thing. I wonder how that car handles on the road.
