A blog devoted to RANTS ON AUTOMOTIVE DESIGN, car reviews, and - above all - fugly autos. whether looking for vehicular plagiarism or rides of extreme tastelessness, you've come to the right place.

Monday, August 22, 2005

Daihatsu Naked

Another amusingly named Japanese minicar. For some reason they all have English names it seems. Anywho, this was actually a concept car brought to life, sorta like the Aztek. It's basically meant to look rugged (think Jeep or Hummer) by showing exposed bolts, exposed hinges and lots of creases that are meant for a rugged look. Yet it looks more "cheap" than "rugged".


Anonymous said...

Wasn't THAT one supposed to be the CHEEP JEROKEE concept car???

Anonymous said...

Cover my eyes! Put something on it! It's Naked!!!