A blog devoted to RANTS ON AUTOMOTIVE DESIGN, car reviews, and - above all - fugly autos. whether looking for vehicular plagiarism or rides of extreme tastelessness, you've come to the right place.

Sunday, July 31, 2005

Star Car

This one looks relatively normal up front, with a bit of a Lotus-like black-with-gold-pinstriping paintjob (well - except the star). Here is what a typical hood extention on these cars looks like. I saw this and thought it actually kinda look good - well it would be is it were shorter. But this car is devoid of the huge bodykits of most of them, where to hood extention just looks as strange as everything else. That's another thing. If people build these things to be unique, why do they all basically do the same thing?

Is some of the previous pics, you may have wondered what all those poles were in the pictures. They're not poles in fact - they the most mystifying aspect of these cars. They're EXHAUST PIPES. They look so stupid it devies reason. WHY are they like this? Do they think it looks good? Is it supposed to look "racey"? Race cars don't have them... Is it supposed to vent greenhouse gases higher into the atmosphere? Sadly - this car's tailpipes pale in comparison to other cars...

Also note what appears to be a red crushed velour interior.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ooOOOooo. Twin SippyStraws tied into one big FartPipe! I really like the super-skinny tires stretched from one rim bead to the other, too! Hang a corner too tight and fast... kapow! Fortunately, you'll have your Twin SippyStraws to (A.) Keep you from rolling ALL the way over, and (B.) You'll have your Twin SippyStraws to help you lever your ricer back on to all 3 remaining wheels and tires! Let's hear it for SippyStraws!!!