A blog devoted to RANTS ON AUTOMOTIVE DESIGN, car reviews, and - above all - fugly autos. whether looking for vehicular plagiarism or rides of extreme tastelessness, you've come to the right place.

Sunday, July 31, 2005

# 44

Car number 44 is a good representation of the breed. Actually, it was parked next to "Sexy Crown"! Huge air damn - check. Boxy body kit - check. Ugly paint - check. Hood scoops - check. Too small though. Huge spoiler - check. Exterior intercooler - check. Unexplained stars decorating the exterior - check.

Notable differences:
- QUAD sky high exhaust pipes!
- two headlights replaced with plastic. On some classic car based racers, one of the headlights is replaced with a air intake. Basically a tube (as the headlights were round) leading directly to the air box for fresh air - sorta like Pontiac's "Ram Air" back in the day. Also, some racecars have their headlights replaced or covered with plastic during races. I think a combo of both of the above leads to the plastic light replacements in these custom cars.


Anonymous said...

And it has the "Briefcase With Plumbing", too! Gotta have SOMEPLACE to keep the Brewskis cool when your buds wanna use the four SippyStraws in the back! It's a mobile version of a collegiate "Kegger"! With a Built-In Front Porch, as well!

Air Intake Kits said...

If some cars are overdue for maintenance, this one got a little bit early and had too much.