A blog devoted to RANTS ON AUTOMOTIVE DESIGN, car reviews, and - above all - fugly autos. whether looking for vehicular plagiarism or rides of extreme tastelessness, you've come to the right place.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Chevrolet Uplander: Wal*Mart Edition

I was trying to be discrete taking these photos with my cell phone... I've seen this beaut around a few times, and the camera phone doesn't do it justice. A few items of note:

- Chrome hubcaps on top of steel wheels painted gold (to match the various pieces of the car painted with the same paint).
- Chrome mesh stuffed in every possible oriface.
- Buick portholes.
- Tre Faux hood scoop.
- Irridescent stickers on the sides, windsheild, and air deflector.
- an air deflector.
- bump strips painted silver (ran out of gold?)
- Strangely placed stuck-on scoops behind the front wheels. The appear to point up.
- Chrome chain license plate cover.

Although technically not parked at Wal*Mart, it is visible in the background.

1 comment:

coverdirector said...

I've admired how gawddam fugging fugly the Uplander is year after year. This bland, unforgettably forgettable lump thrills me with its non-design every time I have the pleasure of spotting one. I'm astonished to think that some poor slob or group of slobs had any hand in its design—and further amazed that anyone would sit in one, let alone buy one. What a visual triumph of common taste! And here, with the extraordinary Wal*mart Edition, we are further rewarded with a heady display of American can-do ingenuity, pride of ownership, and faultless good taste. Cudos!