A blog devoted to RANTS ON AUTOMOTIVE DESIGN, car reviews, and - above all - fugly autos. whether looking for vehicular plagiarism or rides of extreme tastelessness, you've come to the right place.

Sunday, August 14, 2005

Fug Life

I so wish I had better/more pics of this one. It's so over the top it looks like a cartoon. Almost like that cab in "Who Framed Roger Rabbit". And not only does the bodystyle clash to an extreme degree, the narrow body squashes all the front end features together.

*EDIT* - I found out after the fact that this is (or was) a Honda Life.


Anonymous said...

Freaky Deaky! It looks like a Chevron car built by a meth-head! You sure can dig 'em up!!!

Anonymous said...

Roger Rabbit might take that one, but I highly doubt Eddie Valiant would! You are right, Bean, this is a disturbing trend!