A blog devoted to RANTS ON AUTOMOTIVE DESIGN, car reviews, and - above all - fugly autos. whether looking for vehicular plagiarism or rides of extreme tastelessness, you've come to the right place.

Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Rolls Rover Silver Fug

Well - basically this is a Rolls or Bentley (has a Bentley grille) with a chopped roof, blings, and for some reason Range Rover side grilles, headlights and taillights. The taillights don't look as bad as the headllights, but they're both too tall for the body.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So, that's British Bling, eh, Gov'nor??? It appears that no place is safe from the hip-hop rap-crap influence. Good thing they have lots of money, they're certain to attract UNWANTED Law Enforcement attention with THAT rig!